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BOSS BEAUTIES BROWN SUGAR SCRUB is a combination 100% organic brown sugar, honey, coconut oil, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon.


To use:  Add approximately ½ cup of bath salts to warm running bath water.


Directions:  Store in cool place in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.


Honey has anti-aging properties, acts as an exfoliant, is an excellent moisturizer, adds vitamins, minerals and amino acids naturally, honey also aids in healing cuts and burns, offers relief to acne and sensitive skin.  Honey also has anti-bacterial properties, and can be used for fungul infections such as ringworm.  Honey can also be used to lose weight and aid in the digestive process.


Brown sugar is a natural source of glycolic acid, that penetrates the skin and encourages skin regeneration. Brown sugar also acts as an moisturizer and exfoliant when used topically, exposing the new layers of skin after exfoliation.


Coconut oil can help rebuild youthful supple skin,  while combating the signs of aging effects.  Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat, that can be as a dietary supplement.  Coconut oil can be used in place of vegetable oil or taken orally for optimum benefits.    


Ginger's anti-oxidant, gingerol promotes smoothness and eveness of skin, and also fights skin damaging free radicals. Ginger is anti-inflammatory which makes it an excellent source in fighting acne.  Ginger is also anti-bacterial which kills bacteria causing acne.  


Nutmeg possess innate anti-aging properties, and is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  Nutmeg improves blood circulation, combats free radicals, and premature aging signs such as crows feet, fine lines and wrinkles.


Allspice is a natural anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial, preventing the onset of skin infections and eruptions. Allspice also acts as a detoxant, expelling toxins from the skin. Allspice improves blood circulation, adding color and leaving you with a radiant glow, clear skin, acne free and germ free.  


Cinnamon is a natural anti-septic and has anti-fungal as well as anti-microbial effects.  Cinnamon also increases collagen levels in skin, which decreases fine lines. Cinnamon aslo exfoliates and soothes dry dead skin.



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